St. Benedict's Rule| 1hr : 16mins
Director: Jay Kanzler | Producer: Jay Kanzler
Focus Years: 2008 | Country: United States
"St. Benedict's Rule" examines the life, prayer and service of the monks of Conception Abbey in northwest Missouri. Founded in 1878, Conception Abbey is an apparent refuge from modern life, serving as home to Benedictine monks, providing religious instruction at its seminary college, and hosting retreats at its guest center. But not even this timeless sanctuary is immune to contemporary ills: In June 2002, a gunman walked into Conception Abbey, killing two monks and seriously wounding two others. "St. Benedict’s Rule" offers insight into the monastic life, exploring the abbey’s many facets and speaking with the priests and brothers about their life of prayer and contemplation. It also explores how the monks coped with the shocking outbreak of violence that took place within the abbey’s walls.
St. Benedict's Rule
1hr : 16mins
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